Friday 9 September 2011


Today's webcomic review: nemu*nemu !

Status: Ongoing
Updates: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

What's it about?

     The story is basically about these two girls who wanted dogs. The problem was, Anise was not allowed to have a dog because of her father. One day, they found a hidden store where they found antiques and items of all sorts, and while working in the store to buy the item they wanted, they found two stuffed dogs. To their surprise, it started talking to them and calling them 'mama.' Thus, the adventure of Kana, Anise, Anpan and Nemu begun~!

     The comic is a slice of life one, meaning it's composed of comics that have short chapters that are not necessarily connected to each other. Each chapter is a brand new adventure of the little pups and their owners, from something as simple as the pups taking a bath to something even sillier like the pups dressing up as Henshin Rider Characters.

     If you're the type who is looking for something to look at or browse for a while even if you have a busy schedule, this comic is for you! Filled with cuteness and silliness, you'd smile at each strip~!

   The story is not deep or detailed, but it is certainly entertaining and is the kind of comic I'd look into when I'm absolutely bored or looking for a quick laugh. It certainly lift up my spirits during times I felt a bit lonely. The art is absolutely simple and cutesy which definitely matches the atmosphere or mood the story of the comic is trying to project.

My Rating:
Story: ★ ★ ★ ★
[I'm not too into slice of life comics but it is very entertaining for me.]
Art: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
[The art started out with black and white sketches and turned into colored drawings. Simple and constantly improving.]

     I found out about this comic from my high school bestfriend who loves dogs. I think we were chatting in ym that time or something, I can't quite remember, but she gave me the link [or I think she showed me at home] and I instantly got addicted to it. I started reading the whole thing till I got to the latest page. Her favorite was Nemu and mine was Anpan. I haven't been checking anymore, but when I come across it, the smile it gives me never fades and away and I also remember her. I think we were either in 2nd year high school or 3rd year high school. I actually thought of reviewing this comic because I just recently talked to her in Facebook.

     I have to say thought, they have to be one of the fastest, most active and most consistent updaters that I have encountered throughout my browses of webcomics. They update 3 times a week, PLUS gallery updates once in a while PLUS they make merchandises and go to comic conventions to promote the comic. Talk about busy~!
     So what else is absolutely cute about this webcomic? The background story of the actual creators. Anyways, from what I learned, the two [Audra Ann Furuichi (aka kyubikitsy) and Scott Yoshinaga (aka kimonostereo)] had known each other since college where they first had their comics published in their college newspaper. Audra even won the Scripps-Howard Foundation Charles Schulz College Cartooning Award [@__@ gawd that's a long name] for her semi-autobiographical strip, "CultureSHOCK!". What's so cute about this is after a few years of working together, they eventually got married~!

     Anyways, that's all for now~! Ella signing off~! ^__~

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