Sunday 4 September 2011

Everlasting Wanderers

Today's webcomic review: Everlasting Wanderers !

Status: ???
Updates: ???

What's it about?

The comic started out as one of those webcomics that usually poked fun in Ragnarok Online and was a sort of parody, but as the comic progressed, it started to show a more developed storyline. It's basically about this novice [Kuumei] who meets this swordsman [1337/\/\@57@|-|5YK05\/\/0|2|)Y aka "Bob" as Kuumei had shortened it to] and started their quests together around Midgard, eventually meeting more party members like a thief [Filia], an archer [Pete] and many others. It's pretty interesting because it basically tells a story about their random Ragnarok adventures which suddenly shifts to an even deeper storyline.

I like how the artist, Spinny, used colors in speech bubbles to tell who was talking. It also made it easier for me to remember which character was which, specially since there were just so many characters.

The art is simple, but I can't say that it's just average.It's not very detailed, but its simplicity is what makes it cute and just right for the light-hearted story that it tells. Even though it's in black and white, only drawn in pencil and scanned, it still has that appeal that any manga or good webcomic have. The latest pages were colored and has a different appeal on its own. If I were to be asked if which of the two I liked better [black and white or colored] I'd still probably say black and white since it started that way and I really have a weakness for hand-drawn, and roughly-sketched art.

My Rating:

Story: ★ ★  
[The story's pretty simple, but entertaining.]

Art: ★ ★ 
[Even though it's currently black and white (becoming colored), it's absolutely cute and seems to be improving.]

This webcomic had died and disappeared 3 years ago... or so I thought.

I was really supposed to make a webcomic review about this even though I knew it was dead and gone, but after my discovery, I became even more encouraged to write about it. After so many years, I finally found it again, and do you know where the guy [Spinny] uploaded it? DeviantArt. Just goes to show that when you can't find something art-related, you can usually find it there.

I don't even remember when exactly I started reading this webcomic or how on earth I found it, but I think it was around when I was in high school, and during the time I got so interested in Ragnarok Online-themed webcomics.

I think back then, I religiously checked for updates on this webcomic almost everyday, I think back then it updated either mondays, wednesdays or fridays... or somewhere along the lines of that... Anyways just imagine: The comic was totally getting GOOD, as in there were these two characters who just got into a heartbreaking misunderstanding [I won't say anymore coz I don't want to say too many spoilers] THEN they found each other a few years later, THEN the frickin comic disappears! As in POOF! It's absolutely gone without any warning whatsoever.

As I recall, I've only been following the webcomic for only more or less than a month before it suddenly stopped giving out new pages, but the webcomic itself, according to, was launched on September 23, 2002. So I was reading it at about 2007...

Another Fun Trivial Fact: Spinny once put a wikipedia page about the comic back when wikipedia probably didn't have that much security on the information that gets into their pages. I'm not too sure but I think I might've seen it waaaaay before...

Anyways as for if it ever updates, well, I can't really say for sure coz when I read the update date [how redundant] of the new comics he posted [which were 3 in total], the very first one was posted on February 20, 2011, the next one was February 27, 2011, and the last one was March 27, 2011. I don't really know if Spinny's still going to continue the comic, but I sure hope he does. I really reaaaaaaaalllyyyy wanna know what will happen to Bob and Kuumei!!!

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